3 Ways to Build Structure into Your Day

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You've got a lot of things on your plate, and if you're an entrepreneur or a business owner, that probably includes sales and marketing all the way over to operations and management.

So how you can arrange and organize your day, so you can guarantee you have the time for the important things when it comes to marketing and sales?

You need time to creating content, engage on social media, respond to new leads and new prospects, and actually having sales conversations that close business and make the cash register ring.

The first thing I recommend is that you build protected blocks of time on your calendar for doing specific things.


1) Block the best time for focused work.

For me, that time is 6:00am to 8:00 am. That's what I'm going to do every single day of the (week unless of course there's something that has me out of the office or there's some special event).

I'm reading about how I can get better at what I do. How I can grow as a person and as a businessman.

Then I'm creating. I'm writing content, maybe I'm editing a video or maybe I'm editing an article to put out on my blog or on social media.

I'm also spending time reaching out and engaging with people on LinkedIn, Facebook, on Instagram.


2) Block the best time for networking and professional interactions

I don't have the highest energy, I'm an early morning guy.

But if I have somebody I'm talking with on the phones or in person, I know that that human interaction is going to give me that jolt that I need.

So I schedule sales conversations, networking calls, interviews all for the afternoons whenever possible.


3) Save time for family, friends and YOU!

Another block of time that I make sure is protected, is an end to the day.

As an entrepreneur, as a business owner I know that I could easily find myself working 14, 17, 20 hour days without ever stopping.

But it's important to me to prioritize my family (and myself) over my business.

That means I'm shutting it down between 5:00 and 5:30 every single day.

Does that mean that everyday is like that?

Am I going to hang up the phone if I'm in the middle of a client conversation and it's 5:32?

Of course not, but I structure out my day so that I can complete the work that I need to get done in that amount of time.

I want to make sure that I'm disciplined about shutting it down at the appropriate time.

So those are three ways to build some structure into your day so you can do the things you need to do from a sales and marketing standpoint.

Have any questions? Send me a note.